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Dial-In Phone Streaming

Dial-In Phone Streaming

SleepyEngineers is pleased to announce a partnership with Dial-In Phone Streaming company ZenoRadio. As an added bonus for being a Sleepyengineers Client, you are allowed to signup for the service for absolutely NO cost!

How does it work?

It’s simple! You signup for an account through our special link (click here), ZenoRadio will create your account and setup your broadcast with a DEDICATED North American phone number. You advertise that number on your stream & website. Listeners can call in to that number and hear your stream.

Why not just use the mobile app?

Think about this! While a lot of your listeners may have a mobile data package, many more will have unlimited talking minutes. So, if you have listeners that are in an area that does not have good data signal or don’t have a smartphone, now you can gain even more listeners to your stream, WITHOUT increasing the amount of listener slots you need. The quality is a little bit lower, however it is a free service that will get you more listeners to your station. This also allows you to be more competitive when selling advertisement space.


ZenoRadio Reports & measurements


ZenoRadio provides a dashboard with reporting tools that will give broadcasters insight on who is calling in, when they are calling in and more! ZenoRadio gives you real-time information and metrics on the number of listeners, calls, call duration, and peak hours. All reporting is a free service for broadcasters who sign up to SleepyEngineers & ZenoRadio’s network.

Dedicated Number

ZenoRadio assigns a dedicated phone number to your broadcast. This number is is yours to use for this broadcast purpose. No special code needed to listen, just a phone number!


This service works 100% with all SleepyEngineers Streaming Accounts and it is ABSOLUTELY free!

How do I sign up?

Head over to ZenoRadio’s special page for SleepyEngineers Clients:

You will need your “Streaming Server Index Page” URL. This are found in your Media Control Panel under Quick Links.

